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Your company’s culture can say a lot about how you’re doing and where you’re going. Take heed of these four reasons why corporate culture matters and the lessons they bear for your company.

1. It Heightens Employee Engagement

Motivated workers are productive workers. To get ahead, you need a team that is fully engaged and ready to put in the long hours necessary to take your team to the top. They won’t do that if your company culture is dull or hostile. Go out of your way to create a positive work space where workers feel the atmosphere is fun and welcoming of new ideas.

2. It Prevents Toxicity

Nothing kills a company faster than a reputation for being toxic. There are many reasons that reputation can arise. Maybe there is a lack of professionalism. Maybe a company has had a lack of accountability. Whatever the reason for this bad reputation, you want to do everything you can to prevent that befalling your business. Be preemptive about nipping potential toxic issues in the bud, and take any employee complaints of inappropriate conduct or unprofessionalism seriously.

3. It Makes Your Company More Attractive

Nobody wants to work for or do business with a company that has a toxic reputation. Positivity is just as contagious as toxicity, however, and it’s a way better thing for your company to “catch.” When word gets out that your company is a great place to work, more people are bound to want to work with you. Even in the digital age, word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most effective ways of getting the word out about your business, and when that word is positive, it creates more positive feedback in a virtuous cycle.

4. It Helps Elicit New Ideas

When you have a company culture that’s based on people basically rubber stamping whatever the boss says for fear of getting fired, you don’t grow or innovate, and when you lack that, chances are your company won’t be around very long. By contrast, positive company culture can contribute to an environment where employees feel free to speak their mind, which in turn can produce the kind of ideas that can power your company to a better tomorrow.

Maintaining a positive corporate culture is essential to your company’s present and future success.