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Business is booming. The sales are rising, revenues are rising, and employees are… depressed? 

One of the fatal flaws in any successful company is a lack of awareness of employee happiness. With so much on the plate of a manager, it’s easy to see why this important factor is often overlooked – but the consequences of neglecting people go beyond low morale and disengagement.

Here are some great tips to help keep your employee morale up!

  1. Hire Happy to Start

A happy office starts with good hires, so hire for happiness. This may seem like an overly simple strategy, but studies show a strong correlation between job satisfaction and hiring new people who are happy to do the same work.

  1. Find Unique Ways to Build Community

The best workplaces have a strong sense of community, but the activities that build this vary from one organization to the next. Find the ways that your employees enjoy spending time together, and invest in these.

  1. Try a Little Wellness

Laughter yoga, meditation classes, or massages can help employees relax and refocus at work. Depending on your organization’s culture, these types of activities may be embraced as long as they’re optional for all involved.

  1. Make Work Fun with Perks From Outside the Office

As benefits such as health insurance and retirement contributions become standard, companies sometimes neglect to offer perks employees actually want. Consider introducing new options such as free meals or more generous vacation time. 

  1. Maintain Consistent 1-1 Communication

Employees feel more valued when they receive communication from managers consistently. While there are many ways to go about this, managers should at least ensure that employees know how to reach them so they can ask questions at the moment – and remember to recognize achievement throughout the year.

  1. Give Back and Celebrate Employee Wins

Organizations often neglect to celebrate wins together, but employees want to know that their contributions are recognized. Get creative and try hosting a “week of thanks” when employee accomplishments are celebrated all week long or use staff meetings to recognize victories big and small.

With a few simple and easy tips, you can help build a happier workplace – and reap the benefits in productivity and reduced turnover.