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Even if you’re a natural fit for the world of business and leadership, it doesn’t hurt to burnish those talents a bit. These online courses can help you do just that, offering different skills for different aspiring leaders.

Understanding the Basics (Deakin University)

As the title would imply, this is a great course for those new to the world of management and leadership. A major part of this class is learning different approaches to leadership and how thinking on the topic has evolved over the years. Whether you are new to a leadership role or are looking to consider how management roles have evolved as of late, this course can help.

Build Leadership Skills (HEC Paris)

This French program focuses on the rational side of leadership. The curriculum is built around the Savoir-Relier methodology, which focuses on building up one’s rational skills, self-awareness, and using these to teach attendees how to build positive rather than antagonistic relationships. They preach a four-step approach: introspection, conversation, resilience, and responsibility. In addition, you’ll get the benefit of insight from professionals who have benefited from the HEC Paris programme.

Global Leadership and Management (Arizona State University)

If you are looking to lead your business into the global sphere, this course can help you do just that. With the focus on international management, you’ll be able to take your management skills global. What’s more, you’ll be able to study real-life case studies of how to do that effectively and the importance that cultural differences play in managing an international team.

Strategic Management (Aachen University)

This is a good course for mixing several important skill sets together. Organization? Check. Communication? Check? Strategic thinking? Check. This is another example of a class that offers real-life case studies to learn from as well, and you’ll be supplied with a wide variety of samples to analyze. 

The end result of any of these courses should be the enlightenment and empowerment you need to succeed in business. That said, any course you take will ultimately be what you make of them, and it’s up to you to make your own success.